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Progression's Assessment Centre Announces Panel Event

Progression’s recently launched Assessment Centre is happy to announce that it will be introducing a new Disability event to its clients in September. The event will take the form of a panel discussion incorporating facilitated Question & Answer sessions with a variety of industry experts who will unpack why employing people with disabilities makes business sense, as well as addressing some of the challenges and successes that employers experience when integrating people with disabilities into the workplace.

“We are excited to have the opportunity to bring to our clients a panel of speakers who will be able to present their insights and experience,” comments Zarina Bulbulia, who heads up Progression’s Assessment Centre. “We hope that the format of the session will empower employers with information that is relevant to them when it comes to successfully integrating people with disabilities into the workplace,” she adds.

The event has been coordinated on the back of Progression’s Annual Disability Conferences which have seen various experts unpack topics around disability in the workplace over the last 5 years. “I think for us now it’s about getting feedback as to what employers are doing when it comes to integrating people with disabilities in the workplace, and understanding what is working vs. some of the challenges experienced in implementation,” states Zarina.

When embarking on a Disability Employment Equity Strategy, employers need to give consideration to a number of elements. For instance, creating inclusive policies and procedures, understanding what disability is and the different types of disability, confidentiality around disclosure, what the legislative context is, how to create awareness in the organisation that prevents discrimination and knowing when to implement reasonable accommodation. These are just some of the factors that need to be addressed, and can sometimes make the process overwhelming for an employer.

Speakers on the panel will include Keshika Naidoo (Occupational Therapist), Justene Smith (Disability Specialist) Donne Lance (Clinical Psychologist) and Laurentia Truter (Disability Law Expert). Each of the speakers will bring to the panel their own experience and learning, imparting relevant knowledge around disability in the workplace, aligned to Best Practice.

The event will aim to answer questions in line with implementing a Disability Employment Equity Strategy. “We understand that just as each disability is experienced differently by the individual, so too does each workplace operate uniquely. It therefore makes sense that we answer questions that are relevant to how employers are managing disability within their own environments,” adds Zarina.

“Disability integration in the workplace is more than just ticking the right boxes for Employment Equity or making sure that there is a ramp for wheelchair access,” comments Zarina. “It’s about creating an environment free of discrimination, that promotes fairness and inclusion, where all employees can participate and add value.”

The event will be hosted on 20 September 2016 from 8.30am – 12pm at the Southern Sun Hotel Hyde Park. Whether you are an employer who has managed a successful Disability Employment Equity Strategy or are considering employing a person with a disability for the first time, this event is for you. For more information, or to book your seat, email or visit 

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